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Camberwell Area Multiple Birth Association (CAMBA)

CAMBA Volunteer Christmas Dinner 2023

Tue, 12 Dec 2023
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

We are planning a get together to celebrate all the hard work of CAMBA this past year. This invitation is open to anyone who has helped this past year, whether you are in the committee, helping at events, or just supporting the club in general! 

We have booked a table at Okra restaurant. The menu sounds delicious and we can't wait to try their food.


Pre payment is required as part of this RSVP as we will try to make it easier on the night for everyone. It's BYO wine ONLY with a $5 charge, so please feel free to bring a bottle and we can share it around. Please also bring some extra cash so we can fix up any difference with the restaurant on the night. 

Can you please confirm whether you have any dietary requirements when you register.

Look forward to seeing you all there. 

CAMBA President 

Ticket Type Price
RSVP - YES I am coming! $40.00 Sale Ended
Okra Restaurant
180 Camberwell Rd, Hawthorn East VIC 3123, Australia

Camberwell, Victoria, 3124, Australia

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